Sports First Aid

Our Sports First Aid Course is designed to give anyone who has dealing with athletes and understanding of Sports Related Injuries, Illness & just everyday occurrences. This course is one day, Learners who successfully complete this Course will understand the responsibilities of the sports first aider. They will be able to provide treatment for preserving life or minimising the consequences of injury until the arrival of medical aid also be able to provide treatment for an injury to athlete which does not require the attention of a medical practitioner or nurse and also be able to have an understanding of Sports Related Injuries & illness.

Course Content

  • Accident Management & Patient Assessment 

  • Respiratory Emergencies

  • Wounds and Bleeding

  • Fractures and Broken Bones

  • Spinal Injuries & Concussion & Compression

  • Player welfare and Mental Health

  • The First Aid Bag

  • Cardiac First Responder – (This module is certified for 2 years by PHECC)

Sports First Aid - €120